Civic Champions



The Civic Champions program is an initiative of the Civic Engagement Alliance (CEA), a coalition of student organizations dedicated to increasing civic participation among UT students. The Civic Champions award encourages students to participate in the CEA by completing activities in four categories of civic engagement:



Minimal handshake icon


Icon representing interaction: two minimal sillouhettes of people layed diagonally



Community Building

Ready to begin?

There are many activities that an organization can complete in each category, but they only need to do one to qualify!


  • Host a member of TX Votes to give a presentation on voter registration during your student organization’s meeting
  • Attend a Travis County VDR training session (either with TX Votes or asynchronously)
  • Submit a photo of members at the polls
  • Host a guest speaker to discuss issues or candidates on the ballot


  • Submit proof of at least 30 hours volunteered by members of your student organization
  • Host a volunteer event with another on-campus organization or a service organization in the Austin community
  • Complete a volunteer project with VolunteerUT


  • Organize or attend a civically related advocacy project
  • Send an advocacy statement to an elected representative of your choice about an issue of your choice
  • Propose an advocacy project at the CEA semester meeting

Community Building

  • Host an event that is open to all UT students 
  • Host a social 
  • Select a delegate to represent the organization at one CEA meeting every semester 

*All activities are due on March 8th


If an organization completes activities in more than one category, it will receive Distinguished Status. If an organization completes activities in all four categories, it will receive Exemplary Status

Exemplary Status organizations will be recognized at Great Conversations, an annual gathering of students, elected officials, journalists and community leaders. They will also be eligible to apply for a $500 cash prize. 


To participate in Civic Champions, individuals must be members of a registered student organization with the University of Texas at Austin, have their organization submit the candidacy form included on the Civic Champions website page, and have their candidacy formally approved by the CEA. The qualifications for being a registered student organization are listed here

No. Civic Champions, the CEA, and the Annette Strauss Institute are non-partisan organizations. We welcome students from many different political backgrounds. 

Volunteer Deputy Registrars (VDRs) are individuals who are legally authorized to register voters in the State of Texas. Individuals who are at least 18 years of age, are a United States citizen and who meet the other requirements can become VDRs. The goal of VDR training is to register students to become VDRs and expand the number of registered voters in Travis County. 

As participants in Civic Champions, you are also a member of the Civic Engagement Alliance (CEA). Each semester, the CEA hosts one on-campus meeting and asks each of its members to send at least one delegate to represent their organization at the meeting. However, these meetings are open to all people who are members of CEA-affiliated student organizations. The purpose of CEA semester meetings includes planning a collective semester advocacy project for CEA members. 

The civically related advocacy projects can involve a wide range of issues and take many forms. These projects do not necessarily have to be “political” in nature. Their aim should be to positively address some systemic or institutional issue faced by the community. They can involve, for example, volunteering, blockwalking, posting flyers, writing emails, or other ways of lending support to a civic issue. 

For the Spring 2024 semester, student organizations have from January 16 (the first day of class) to March 8 to complete activities that will count toward their participation in Civic Champions. (Note: the voter registration deadline for the March 5 election is Monday, February 5th, so activities related to voter registration will have to be completed by then). 

Keep an eye on our social media page @txvotes_cea and attend semesterly CEA meetings. 

For more information, you can reach out to

Organizations that currently participate in the CEA


The American Society of Civil Engineers

The Texas Orator

The Engineering LGBQTies

The UT Student Government Women's Resource Agency

The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)

The Communication Council

Seva Charities

The Liberal Arts Council


The Texas Sunshines

Education Council

Socks for the Sole

Texas Lassos

Partners in Health Engage at UT Austin

Public Relations Student Society of America (Texas PRSSA)

Engineers for a Sustainable World

Absolute Texxas

Texas Rising

MOVE Texas

The University Democrats

Hook the Vote

Texas PIRG Student Action




Past members of the CEA


Texas Guadaloop

The Texas Product Engineering Organization

Phi Delta Phi

Always Texas

The Society of Women Engineers

Diversity in Advertising and PR

Governmental Relation

The International Affairs Society

Alpha Xi Delta

The Feminist Action Project

The Latinx Health Professionals Organization

The Black Honors Student Association



The Urban Studies Society

Students For Planned Parenthood

Alpha Epsilon Phi

Not on My Campus

Texas Public Health

Texas Spirits

The Society of Physics Students

The Texas Pre-Dental Society

The Natural Sciences Council

Austin Sunshine Camps at UT

Kappa Delta

Generation United Nations (GenUN)

The Longhorn Young Historians

The Student Engineering Council

DEM Sigma

Students Fighting Climate Change

oSTEM at UT Austin

The UT Senate of College Councils

UT Student Government

The Senate of College Councils

TEXPIRG Campus Action

Camp Texas

The Campus Environmental Center

Deeds Not Words at UT Austin

Delta Epsilon Mu

Doctors Without Borders at UT Austin

Friar Society

Graduate Student Assembly

Graduate Women in Computing

The Longhorn Band Student Association

March For Our Lives at UT Austin

The Orange Jackets

Oxfam at the University of Texas at Austin


The Student Conduct Advisory Committee

The Texas Blazers

Texas Lambda Alpha Nu

The Texas Lonestars

The Texas Political Union

The American Medical Student Association

The Dean’s Scholars


The Secular Student Alliance at UT Austin

The State Relations Agency

Texas Ballroom

Texas Hillel

Texas Theta Tau

The Association of Mexican-Americans at UT

Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Women

The Texas Undergraduate Law Review

Alpha Chi Omega


Austin’s Bright Future

The Hindu Students Association